About SPST(フォトポリマー学会)


This society is officially known as "The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology" (SPST), also referred to as the Photopolymer Society.

The society serves as a global forum for advancing photopolymer science and technology, fostering innovation and development in these fields. Ultimately, SPST aims to enhance the quality of life for humanity through these advancements.


To achieve its mission, SPST undertakes the following initiatives:

  • Organizing the International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology (ICPST, commonly known as Photopolymer Conference).
  • Publishing the Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (JPST).
  • Presenting the Photopolymer Science and Technology Award.
  • Engaging in other activities that support the society’s objectives.


spst vision

The semiconductor industry is an significant technology that supports the economy and people's lives in various aspects of modern society. The advancement of this industry corresponds to the progress of semiconductor devices, which has been backed by semiconductor microfabrication technology. In recent years, the focus has also been on the three-dimensional implementation of heterogeneous semiconductor chips, and research and development is being vigorously advanced. An essential component of the progress of semiconductor microfabrication technology is lithography technology. The photopolymer technology plays a crucial role in these resist material and processing technologies. The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology (SPST) gathers researchers from around the world in these fields, including patterning technologies such as photoresists and applications for devices other than semiconductors, providing a venue for information exchange and discussion, contributing to the advancement of photopolymers globally. The operation of this society is carried out by the board members and the organizing committee members. We hold an annual International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology (ICPST) for the society members and publish the Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, and an international academic journal on photopolymers, twice a year. Through the activities of the SPST, we aim to contribute to the development of the semiconductor field. We kindly ask for the continued understanding and cooperation of all parties and persons involved with photopolymers.


Takeo Watanabe, The President of the Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology


半導体産業は現代社会のあらゆる場面で経済や人々の生活を支えるなど重要な技術です。この産業の進展はすなわち半導体デバイスの進展ですが、これを支えてきたのが半導体微細加工技術です。近年はこれに加えて異種の半導体チップの3次元実装が注目され、研究開発が精力的進められています。そして、半導体微細加工技術の進展に欠かせないのが、リソグラフィ技術です。そして、フォトポリマー技術こそが、これらのレジスト材料プロセス技術の根幹を担っています。我々のフォトポリマー学会はフォトレジストなどのパターニング技術や半導体以外のデバイス応用などを含むこれらの分野における世界中の研究者が一堂に集っており、情報交換および議論ができる場を提供することで、世界のフォトポリマーの進展に貢献できると信じています。この学会の運営は理事をはじめ組織委員と行っています。フォトポリマー学会への会員向けに年1回のフォトポリマー国際会議を開催、並びにフォトポリマー国際学術誌であるJournal of Photopolymer Science and Technology誌を年に2回発行しています。私たちはこのフォトポリマー学会の活動を通じて半導体分野の発展に貢献したいと考えています。今後ともフォトポリマーの関係者の皆様には引き続き、ご理解ご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。

フォトポリマー学会会長 渡邊健夫