ICPST-42 (2025) Tutorial Session (TO BE UPDATED)

Basics of Lithography Materials Science and Technology

ICPST and TAPJ are plannnig to provide opertunity to learn advanced materials processes for semiconductor manufacturing. 

 Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at Medium Hall (693 seats) at Arcrea Himeji



SEIJI NAGAHARA (ASML Japan), HARUYUKI OKAMURA (Osaka Metropolitan University)



For the semiconductor industry’s scientists and engineers, this program provides an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of lithography materials science and technology.




 University students who are considering related company for a future job
Lithographers/process engineers /material engineers in semiconductor companies, materials/equipment suppliers
Scientists who work for the related science and technology 


The attendees of ICPST and members of TAPJ can join this tutorial session with free of charge. Tutorial materials will be shared with the attendees from web site if speakers' permission is obtained. 


The tutorial will be given by English or Japanese. The language in the slides will be English.


ICPST-42 (2025) Tutorial SCHEDULE

Time TUTORIAL Topics (General Review) Lecturers (ご講演者、敬称略) 時間
13:00-13:05 Opening remark from SPST Prof. Takao Watanabe (University of Hyogo)
渡邊 健夫(兵庫県立大学)
5 min
13:05-13:10 Opening remark from TAPJ Prof. Hideo Horibe (Osaka Metropolitan University) 
堀邊 英夫(大阪公立大学)
5 min
13:10-13:35 Lithography industry Prof. Hideo Horibe (Osaka Metropolitan University) 
堀邊 英夫(大阪公立大学)
25 min
13:35-14:00 Lithography general introduction Dr. John Peterson (imec) 25 min
14:20-14:45 i-line resist, non-CAR/non-metal containing resist Dr. Makoto Hanabata (Photofunctional Materials Research Co., Ltd.)
花畑 誠(光機能材料研究所)
20 min
14:45-15:00 Break   15 min
15:00-15:30 KrF/ArF/ArFi/EUV/EB Chemically amplified resists(PTD, NTD, developer) Mr. Toru Fujimori (Fuji Film)  
藤森 亨(TBA)
30 min
15:30-15:55 Photo acid generators (PAG) and photo decomposable base (PDB) Dr. Tomotaka Tsuchimura (Fuji Film)
土村 智孝(富士フイルム株式会社)
15 min
15:55-16:20 EUV Metal containing resists Prof. Robert Brainard (SUNY) 25 min
16:20-16:35 Break   15 min
16:35-16:55 Resist filtering technology Mr. Toru Umeda (Nihon Pall)  
梅田 徹(日本ポール株式会社)
20 min
16:55-17:25 BARC, SOC, TC, MHM, rinse, shrink materials Mr. Tomohide Katayama (Merck) 
片山 朋英(メルクエレクトロニクス株式会社)
30 min
17:25-17:35 Break   10 min
17:35-18:10 Special Keynote Talk:
Process technology for evolving 3D stacked CMOS image sensors
Mr. Hayato Iwamoto (Sony Semiconductor Solutions)  
岩元 勇人(ソニーセミコンダクタソリューションズ株式会社)
35 min
18:10-18:15 Closing remark Dr. Seiji Nagahara (ASML Japan)
永原 誠司(ASML Japan)
5 min
18:30-20:00 Welcome Reception (Get together party) At Foyer in front of Medium Hall of Acrea Himeji 10 min


Tutorial special keynote speaker: Hayato Iwamoto (Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation)

Keynote speaker biography: Hayato Iwamoto received his BS and MS degrees in Meiji University, Japan,  in 1990 and 1992, respectively. He joined Sony Corporation in 1992 and was engaged in the development of process and integration technologies for various semiconductor devices. Currently, he is a senior general manager of research division at Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, where he supervises the device, process, material, integration and packaging technologies for advanced image sensors and displays with a wide range of expertise from research to mass production.

Presentation title: Process technology for evolving 3D stacked CMOS image sensors

Author(s) and affiliation(s): Hayato Iwamoto 1, 1 Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation


Abstract: スマートフォンなどに搭載されているイメージセンサは、スマートフォンをはじめとする多くの電子機器に搭載され、さまざまなアプリケーションで利用されている。  ソニーは2008年に世界初の裏面照射型CMOSイメージセンサの量産を開始し、その後、積層型およびCu-Cu接続型の3D積層技術を導入することで特性を向上させてきた。本講演ではこれらの技術進化と将来展開について講演する。